This project was made possible by a community innovation tobacco prevention grant from the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth. During these week-long workshops, local students learned about the dangers of vaping and where to find accurate information, as well as the filmmaking process and how to create tobacco/vaping prevention public service announcements (PSAs). Students were asked to include at least one research-based fact in their PSAs, and then they were left to use their creativity to craft meaningful messages. Research has repeatedly shown how important peer influence is during adolescence, so these important messages for youth, done by their peers, are very powerful.
The process culminated with a reception and viewing at Vinegar Hill Theater where the results of public voting for the top three PSAs were revealed.
Please see the links below for all the wonderful PSAs that were created, as well as a documentary that shows the filmmaking process.
“You or the Vape” (1st place)
“Nicotine Helps Plants Not People” (2nd place)
“No Safe Way to Smoke” (3rd place)
“Vaping is Not it”
“I Don’t Vape because…”
“Face the Consequences”
Behind-the-Scenes Making PSAs: