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Motivational Interviewing Overview Training (Style and Strategies) (Pt. 1- Morning; Pt. 2 – Afternoon)

July 8, 2021 @ 9:00am - 4:30pm

Motivational Interviewing Overview Training (Style and Strategies)

Date: July 8th

Time: Morning session 9-12, afternoon session 1:00-4:30

Description: The Motivational Interviewing overview training will focus on motivational challenges, ambivalence and its role in change, the spirit and style of MI, and the four processes of MI – engaging, focusing, evoking and planning.

You may complete both Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 in one day, or attend Pt. 1 one day and Pt. 2. another if that fits your schedule better.

Both sessions are repeated on July 8, July 19, August 2, August 12, August 18 (same zoom link as above). 

Morning (Pt. 1; Style): What is the role of motivation in clinical change? How does ambivalence become resistance? Spirit of MI. MI Therapeutic Relationship and Communication Style

Afternoon (Pt 2.; Strategies): Finding a focus that sparks change. Evoking increased interest in and importance of change. Enhancing confidence for change. Eliciting commitment and moving into action.

This is primarily an informational training, focusing on “what” motivational interviewing is and providing video-based clinical examples focusing on MI implementation strategies.


In addition to the large group overview training, staff are invited to also participate in four 2-hr small-group demonstration/coaching skills sessions, which focus on “how” MI is done.  The sessions are (1) Engaging and Focusing, (2) Evoking Importance of Change, (3) Evoking Confidence for Change, (4) Activating Change Plans. These coaching sessions are offered throughout July and August, and staff may participate in any available sessions. Dates/times and zoom links for the coaching sessions are listed at Region 10 MI (google.com)

Calendar link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=wagnermiresources@gmail.com

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