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Regional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training

August 17, 2021 @ 9:00am - 4:30pm

**Pre-Registration is required** Once registered, you will receive an email with training session information and links.  Completion certificates will be sent at conclusion of training sessions.

Registration link: https://inclusiveva.org/region-ten-registration-form/

Workshop offerings are split into Track A and Track B.  Region One employees are asked to sign up for two dates to participate in each track of VCIC workshops.  On the selected dates, employees will participate in virtual workshops from:

  • 9:00am – 10:30am
  • 1:00pm – 2:30pm
  • 3:00pm – 4:30pm

The following workshops will be facilitated in Track A:

  • Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion (9:00am – 10:30am)
    Research on bias shows how the brain takes shortcuts that can be informed by socialized biases. By better understanding the reality of unconscious bias, employees can then work to create inclusive and equitable environments. This session will provide practical tips and approaches that organizations can implement to help employees make better, bias-free decisions.
  • Unconscious Bias 201 (1:00pm – 2:30pm)
    Once individuals learn about unconscious bias, their next question is often “what do I do with this information?”  This interactive workshop will provide deeper research on the science behind unconscious bias to help participants better understand when and how it is showing up.  They will also learn about best practices to address unconscious bias, both as individuals and on behalf of their organizations.
  • Equity Action Continuum in Healthcare (3:00pm – 4:30pm)
    Many organizations are beginning to intentionally explore the way that bias impacts their work. The challenge often times shows up in deciding on where to begin. This interactive workshop will focus on actions against and toward inclusion and equity. Participants will have an opportunity to reflect on their organizations and ways they currently stand up to inequities in healthcare as well as how they see others addressing inequities. They will also consider how they would like individuals and institutions to address disparities and what it takes to stand up to it—in the moment and in the long term.

The following workshops will be facilitated in Track B: 

  • Cycle of Prejudice in Healthcare (9:00am – 10:30am)
    The Cycle of Prejudice framework helps individuals increase their understanding of the concept and consequences of prejudice, thereby strengthening organizations’ efforts to foster an environment of inclusion. Through this workshop, participants will better understand barriers to inclusion. As a result of this workshop participants will have an increased knowledge around identity and diversity, and will also identify preliminary actions they can take to carry this work forward in healthcare.
  • Fostering LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Healthcare (1:00pm – 2:30pm)
    While society has made progress in the inclusion of LGBTQ identity in recent years, there are still overt and subtle ways that individuals who identify as LGBTQ may feel excluded or marginalized. These experiences can relate to workplace policies and practices as well as interpersonal exchanges, professionally and personally. This workshop will introduce strategies involving factors such as policies and training that healthcare professionals can implement to foster climates that are LGBTQ-inclusive.
  • Understanding & Interrupting Microaggressions (3:00pm – 4:30pm)
    Microaggressions have been defined as “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities.”  While they may not result in formal complaints or lawsuits, they do have consequences when it comes to morale, engagement, and retention.  This session will explore the concept of microaggressions and will help participants identify effective strategies to prevent and interrupt these indignities when they arise in the healthcare context.
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